Wednesday, November 16, 2016

WP2 Brainstorm: Religious Perspectives and Opinions

When I chose religion as my focus for my WP2, I knew there would be many different opinions about it but nothing can be truly set in stone because these are merely opinions. I ask if anyone has another view they'd feel comfortable sharing, please comment below. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated and mentioned as a view of whichever perspective you'd like to take or opinion you'd like to add. I basically broke down society's views on religion into three different perspectives: teens(young adults), adults(parents, teachers, church officials, etc), and non believers are another perspective I'd like to use but I would rather have Zack let me know if it's able to be used or not. There a few things these perspectives all have in common that greatly impact their view on it. Those are knowledge of the religion and their emotions as they relate to their view. I've heard that when an individual is upset over a loss or traumatic event in general, religion may be blamed for the cause of it happening. This is not everyone's opinion nor is it factual. As for knowledge, teens and young adults have said that "they've noticed people around their age changing their religion only for single or few factors without completely understanding the religion itself. Please let me know your opinion on these two "universal similarities". Teens: -Open-minded, usually born and grow into a religion -Multiple religion households, teens may live in a Christian home but convert to Islam -A sense of entitlement is felt when choosing their religion, the new age is more "rebellious" some may say -Some say that this perspective may come off as/can be ignorant but it's their opinion -It's most relatable to teens that there is confusion when choosing a religion due to lack of knowledge of wanting more clarity -Teens may react the most emotion when dealing with religion, may choose to convert or cease their belief Adults: -This is a more traditional approach, depending on the religion decides the type of method for praise -Some households may be forceful when attempting to involve their children in their belief -Someone told me their family "credited" all of their life to the higher power they praise -In some places, you'll find extremists who take their religious praise to "next levels" I.e. Backwoods Churches usually found in the South may practice this type of praise using rituals, something not commonly seen in the city -I've also heard of the "by the book" approach, described as living your life by everybody of the Bible, Quran, or any other book of writing for each religion Non-Believers: -This group some say shouldn't be mentioned but couldn't fully explain why when deeper questioning was introduced -This group of people is one of two things in opinion; uninterested or undecided -Some say they may come off as ignorant or can be ignorant, this depends on your interaction and how you approached them I.e. I went to school with an atheist and have hadreligious conversations with this individual. These conversations were never tense nor aggressive. We walked away from each conversation having learned something from each other. -Looking back at the knowledge aspect, these individuals may only ask for more clarity that may not be able to be provided -Emotion, also mentioned earlier, may be the cause of non-belief

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