Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Identifying Different Moves

When I read a piece of writing, I try to predetermine what side the writer is taking. Sometimes I may decide too soon and be incorrect. Other times, I had luck on my side in choosing what side they would take. The reason I'm writing this is because it's not always simple to figure out which side they're taking, approach they're using, etc. When it comes to really digging deeper into the moves of a writer, I struggled to identify how to see what moves were being made. The writing piece from class, 'They Say, I Say, helped me break down what phrases to look for in order to decide which move a writer was making. I was only using first order thinking in deterring a standpoint but that piece of writing offered clarity to what I wasn't seeing. Near the end of the reading, the breakdown for the commonly used transitions is what I realized I used without them having labels. I often use the cause and effect, conclusion, and comparison words or phrases for most often because the opinion base my writings may hold. "They Say, I Say" has helped me see what I was missing in my writing and I hope to build more of it into my writings as the semester progresses.

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